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I Was Emotionally Exhuasted

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Four years ago, in the middle of the afternoon, I was on my way back to the salon for the evening.

I got a call from Jason, saying that Dalton had crashed in moto practice and that he had for sure broken his arm and that it was pretty bad. They were headed to the ER in an ambulance.

Honestly – I didn’t think too much of it. My kids are resilient, and racing motocross means that they’ve had quite a few falls already. I felt bad for him, but I was pretty calm as I called my clients to cancel and made my way to the hospital.

I walked into Cook’s ER and saw my sweet 10 year old boy looking like he had been thrown through the windshield of a car. As a mom, nothing prepares you for the love you feel for your kids – it is heart-wrenching and all powerful.

That night and the days to come were rough, but the weeks and months to follow were even worse. Not only was Dalton pretty banged up, but that event was the beginning of my downward spiral.

Because of an oversight, we accidentally paid our insurance bill late one month. The medical bills were coming in in stacks from his accident, and the payments were like a huge boulder on my chest.

Over $40,000 in debt just like that!!! We had worked so hard to pull ourselves out of debt and BAM!! There it was.

And not only that, but the phone calls from collectors coming in were so much more than I could bear.

The physical and mental exhaustion were taking a toll. It ruined me. I became easily angered, withdrawn, wanted nothing to do with my family. Truly not the person I was just a few years before.

It’s crazy how something like money can get in the way of your true focus. It can bring you down in unexpected ways and make you lose sight of what you really care about.

Instead of appreciating the time I had with my kids, I was irritable and impatient with them – “No we don’t have money for that, so don’t ask.”

My motivation to do anything was gone. I had brain fog all the time and couldn’t think straight. I gained weight from relying on junk food and coffee to get me through the day.

My husband wanted to spend time with me and I just didn’t have the energy. I was drained and just fed up with all these demands and responsibilities.

I felt like there was something evil working its way into our lives and we needed a way out.

Five months later, my friend told me about her experience with a product and how it had changed her life. She suggested I try it, and I said yes.

It took a little coercion, but I didn’t really think it would work anyway.

Within two weeks I was back!

I enjoyed my family, could stand to look at my husband, and started baking again just because!!

It is truly amazing what premium nutrition can do for you! I had no idea! I thought I was just seriously messed up! I thought I had done it to myself and that I deserved it!

This is not about our financial journey, but the physical and emotional side.

I was finally able to bear what was being thrown at me and could actually come up with a game plan. I wasn’t able to do that before.

I went from feeling defeated to feeling accomplished for the first time in a long time.

Guess what! If this is you, I can help you!! I don’t know what your experience will be, but it’s worth a shot!!

Sorry I am not sorry that this post is about this product. Honestly I am so truly grateful that God put this opportunity into my hands and I took it! I was feeling so desperately alone and forsaken and it honestly changed my life for the better.

I get so passionate about this life change that I want to give others the option and the choice to feel what I felt – to go through this transformation and get to the other side!

THERE IS HOPE. I promise ?

I Was Emotionally Exhuasted
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